Matthew 2: 1-12
The Nativity of God as man is the deed of God's infinite love, which transfigures history with the Meaning of Eternity.
With Jesus, the era of peace begins.
The song that the angels began had to be continued through history.
Peace on earth is conditioned by the greatness that is given from or refused by us in our relation to God. Also the peace of the soul depends on the same condition.
Peace forced by fear is a truly a loss of peace. Jesus brings people the peace that comes from God. This is a spiritual gift that cannot be created or maintained with weapons.
We can see that Jesus is greater and closer to us as time adds age after age, creating in us perspective. The inevitable time grows old, only eternity is always the same.
“God has given us eternal life and this life is in His Son. He who has the Son has Life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life”(I John 5: 11-12).
Jesus creates a new spiritual order in man. He is always alive - in Himself as the Supreme Being - and in us as Eternal Life and the endless possibility of perfection.
And today, as in the day of His Nativity, some loves Him and other hated Him. Some people are trained in a passion for His passions, while others in a passion for His mission.
If the question of, "Who is Jesus?" has grown with the centuries and requires a decisive answer to every generation, we can answer only in one voice with the Father and all the saints:
This is the Son of God, the Saviour of the world!
Excerpts from: Father Arsenie Boca - "Living Words", Carisma Publishing House, Deva, 2006, pp. 296-300.